1.Mount Olympus is in____?
2.The mountain range in Russia that is regarded as the boundary b/w Europe and____?
3.____Hills of Islamabad are an extension of Himalaya range?
4.Ural Mountains separate___ from Europe?
5.____are oldest rocks?
6.The oldest mountain system is___?
7.Andes Mountains are in South___?
8.The _____are Europe’s largest mountain system?
9. _____Mountains are in Morocco?
10.The Himalayas mountain range____is the greatest mountain range in the world
11._____Rock is the largest single rock in the world?
12. What is the worlds longest mountain range the___?
Answer of the above Questions
Q1.Option1. Q2.Optiin3. Q3.Option4 Q4.Option2. Q5.Option1 Q6.Option3 Q7.Option4 Q8.Option2 Q9.Option1 Q10.Option3. Q11.Option4 Q12.Option2
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